Ortex, whats the score?

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Re: Ortex, whats the score?

Post by Costa »

Hey Zoros.

Before i try and answer your questions i just want to add that the IB source i also track is fairly consistent. They currently have access to 44m shares at 0.90% fee. These are shares available. They COULD be the same shares to which Ortex refer.

Also, worth noting that the 'halfing' of those shares available is not new. It's happened before.

One final point, and for what it is worth, the bigger numbers of that position were closed some time ago in my opinion. Those close to me i believe have a slightly different view to me on this (we're still friends) lol. I have arrived at this simply because the price action explains it. And also the clear mind phuck that it had on many with the moving between those extremes (A massive reduction to a massive increase) played its part on testing emotions of weaker hands and those still in profit to becoming break even at best. Simply put, they did not need to massively deploy, only look they may. Of course in my mind with my trading hat on it makes perfect sense as the RR is diminishing on the short side. Why would you deploy at that rate?

I hope that makes sense?

1. Volume. I think that the larger positions have closed out.
2. Can only talk of certain jurisdictions and notification parameters... SEC, UK short reporting databases. There will always be a short interest even if only from the POV of a trading position
3. I think i have answered that above and in my prior post.
Gelli Aur
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Re: Ortex, whats the score?

Post by zoros »

Copied that Costa.
So 'if' the larger positions have closed out - why hasn't this been reflected in the SP.
Normally - I wouldn't have noticed but........ so much, so VERY much has been said about shorting over the last couple of YEARS, it has got many whipped up emotionally and onto an emotional band wagon!
It is mainly down to one person whose name I will not mention but if the shorts are in the throes of closing, then all the froth and circumstance made over this has at best been proven to be embarassing to say the least.
Maybe, just maybe, in reality 0.5% shorting of billions of shares is infinitessimal in the great scheme of things after all?
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Re: Ortex, whats the score?

Post by Costa »

So 'if' the larger positions have closed out - why hasn't this been reflected in the SP.

Because there were enough sellers.

Just so i am not misunderstood here...

I have expressed an opinion. It is not advice at all! I have never done that.

Re Last time i checked two of the funds that had a short position have reduced.
Gelli Aur
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Re: Ortex, whats the score?

Post by Ruprah »

Cheers Costa and Zoros... long and short of it (excuse the pun !) no massive upside to Short position closing.... seems strange with all those consistent 200, 300, 500K sells... Controlled way to get it down for the favoured II's to enter hopefully. Continue to wait in expectation.....
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