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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 4:49 pm
by Costa
We have reason to believe that JPM has closed.

The daily FCA short lists published on their site no longer includes an entry for GGP by JPM.

PS, Caveat... They could have gone under the threshold.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 4:59 pm
by James
Considering the significantly large trades this week, it would be fair to say its closed completely - but of course we'll never know.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:03 pm
by Hydrogen

They obviously detected the vote was going against them no matter what bogeyman crap they pulled.

Bye bye JPM. Maybe someday we See you and the LSE boyz in court. Again.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:14 pm
by Stebol
If it's closed or closing then great news.

If closed, then what was the impact, other than sentiment? The 'boom' on buyback appears to be missing.

Hopefully, we can now move on to a news rich period and a steady appreciation the share price, starting tomorrow with all resolutions passed.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:16 pm
by Redirons
Hey Costa - hope ur well
Did a bit of searching around on the website and before we get too celebratory that JPM have closed out entirely on GGP it looks as though they have just taken it below the reporting threshold of 0.50% and therefore still open at 0.49% - strange though all the same, why not close out altogether? Why just take it below the reporting threshold? Perhaps we will never know but just hope they get stung at some point - perhaps they could only buy back a minimum number of shares than they wanted to?? Any reduction in shorts open is a good sign imho!!!
Cheers Redirons

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:26 pm
by Costa
Hey Red.

Definitely noted and not counting chickens...yet.

Thanks for this and i had a look.

Yes, it does indeed say that, but that was yesterday. Maybe check tomorrow to confirm? Yesterday, on the FCA site, it was listed and was at 0.49% aswell. So, perhaps shortdata take longer to update. It could be a website scraper, so waits for FCA to update before it can update itself.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:28 pm
by Hydrogen
True … stebol… they managed to get / claw them back at a wider market sentiment low. Nasdaq and Sp 500 went through June lows this week.

Symbolic timing suggests to me they know they couldn’t hold it back any further…

Or, their objective - ie the target - was removed.

Potentially now they are just under the 0.5% threshold and other shorts will make an equally undignified exit.

Hopefully now we have this sorry 12 month saga behind us.

Shaun is Swimming with sharks. But he’s an Auzzie giant of a man so at least it comes with the territory….

Tomorrow should be fun!!

Maybe JPM sense the sentiment in miners will return

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:31 pm
by DipSard
Hi Red, I thought immediately that the 5% reporting threshold is such a useful psychological tool when I learned about it... especially where you have a very engaged, collaborative and investigative PI base.
It's actually more effective in that regard on a stock like GGP and others. I've been veering between whether the JPM position is just one of a general sector position in various junior stocks that have the required qualifying metrics (whatever they are such as liquidity etc.) or more predicated on a client of theirs looking to benefit or indeed manipulate GGP itself.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:42 pm
by Costa
Have looked at this again.

There is an entry for the 0.49% in todays, but it's under the threshold and in the HISTORIC tab, so maybe it is because it could not be closed in 1 go?

I agree, caution needed. But its not in the current tab

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:47 pm
by GoGreen1
The FCA website shows it went to 0.49% yesterday (5th) then does not list a current short position on todays spreadsheet. I read it that that means it is closed but I suppose it could mean it is now below the reportable threshold? That would be a strange manoeuvre on their part

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:50 pm
by Costa
Yeah agree, looks to have gone.

I guess with the obfuscation one is just trying to be on the side of caution.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:16 pm
by Hydrogen
Be nice if they still had 15m (ish) to buy back, because PIS won't let them go cheap... 12p tomorrow anyone..?

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:34 pm
by Costa
Here’s the thing: if one considers the minimal selling (volume shows this) at specific/key levels above. Add to that the a positive outcome tomorrow. We may have wind in our sails.

And we have a Bullish Deep Crab!!! They are known to be volatile and that exactly what we had at completion with at deeper retest. I am certainly looking forward to assessing the action against that over the next days and week or so. Love it!

I do have my short term targets based on my charts and specific the harmonics.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:29 pm
by LoggyLogbot
Dip touched on the psychology of the reporting threshold in his post; earlier in the year it appeared to be the consensus view that when JPM poked their head above the threshold for reporting shorts, it had the effect of creating unease and doubt in the minds of investors, thus pushing the share price down - "what do they know?..." By simple reasoning the inverse would surely apply if they just ducked back below that mark again, giving buyers more confidence. As that would be an undesirable situation for a short holder, I do wonder whether they have sold out completely? I am clearly speculating, but I thought I'd throw my thinking into the mix!

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:53 pm
by zoros
So if this "shorting" is actually closing - finally, I can't wait for the rerate that some have been enthusiastically posting about for over a year. The SP will rocket now, surely - No?

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:18 pm
by LoggyLogbot
That was the fly in the ointment with my speculation about a full buy-back - however saying that GGP is in 5 days +1.30 (17.57%), which is not insignificant.

Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:44 pm
by Redirons
Mmmmm - that’s why I don’t think JPM have closed much at all. As Zoros questions, wouldn’t the SP have gone up significantly more if they had? For some reason, I think they have just dipped “out of sight” for now (below the reporting threshold but not much below) and is that part of their trickery that they can at any point inflict negativity on GGP by rising above the reporting threshold again.

As Costa suggests let’s check what the short position looks like tomorrow and hope that Shaun has received the full backing he deserves from GGP shareholders so that we truly do have some real positives to look at.

Onwards and upwards GGPers and hope any manipulators however big or small they may be, get their full comeuppance!!!


Re: Closed

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:55 pm
by archer1415
Regarding the SP flying, if it's just 20M or part of and the rest are on loan than it may not have any material impact but the timing may well do so. Today will be an EVENT for Greatland Gold PLC. True enough, hard facts always prevail regardless of anyone's opinions.