Firetower another of Greatland’s old licences.
Most of the exploration has concentrated around the Firetower target. In that section you can see that bulging out of the ground and Callum reckons you can actually see that.
This area is the likelihood of a 1m oz zone, with some stunning grades here.
Some drilling has happened at Firetower East and alteration has been found mainly zinc and silver.
Firetower west has had a little exploration and copper has been found here.
The 2 in the north are very old mine workings.
There is a group in Tasmania who go around taking photos of old mine workings and described Star of the West as being in a thick wooded area and very difficult to find with a dangerous opening, not found much of the other one Gregories Road
Firetower was subject to a jv some years ago and I believe the other firm couldn’t keep up with their commitments